
中央社区学院 provides businesses and organizations with career, professional and personal growth learning opportunities that are open to the public or customized to meet the specific needs of an organization.

你可以在下面找到我们提供的课程, 您可以展开选项卡以查看课程描述. 你可以通过我们的网站找到即将到来的课程 社区 & 行业类别搜索. Please remember that we also can customize classes to meet your specific needs.


The prospect of being a coach in addition to all your other responsibilities can be overwhelming. The reality is if you’re in a leadership position and people are looking to you for direction, 你已经是教练了. Coaching is the process of letting people know what they do matters to you. 教练是关于激励、鼓励和挑战的.


  • 我们在解决性能问题之前可能扮演的角色. Specifically, could the issue stem from communication, conditions and consequences? 这个人是否有公平的机会表现出色?
  • 我们提供的反馈类型的影响
  • How to be a practical coach and bring up difficult subjects and directly address behavior which does not meet performance standards.

发现你是谁,并拥有它. 克利夫顿优势评估概述了你的顶尖才能, while your report features definitions of each of those talents specific to you. 克里夫顿优势帮助你将目标瞄准在更好的表现上. 在训练, we will focus on your greatest opportunities for development and success (rather than on your weaknesses). 你可以用你的报告来处理一些事情,比如你的事业, 团队合作, 以及你的人际关系.


  • 发现你天生最擅长的事情
  • 学习如何将你最大的才能转化为优势
  • Use your personalized results and reports to maximize your potential

制定加强一对一讨论的方法. 识别沟通障碍, 提高听力技巧,实现工具清晰, 简洁的沟通.


Learn how to recognize the choices available in managing conflict and to provide constructive feedback that gets positive results.

会是我吗?? -管理成功要避免的七个行为

As a supervisor or manager, you’ve probably asked yourself “Why won’t this person … ?或者“我的团队什么时候……” ?” If these types of questions are reoccurring, have you asked yourself “Could it be me?在解决性能问题之前, we need to be willing to look in the mirror and honestly evaluate our behavior. We could be contributing to the performance issue and not realize it.


  • 找出七种要停止的行为
  • 概述委派的关键步骤
  • 发现个人行为的动机
  • 探索难以离开的工作场所的要素

领导能力不是由你的头衔来定义的. 它是由你的行动决定的. The way you lead tells a story about your values and creates an example for others to follow. The four-hour 领导力基础 workshop can give you tools to increase your leadership potential


  • 发现领导力的真正定义, 反思自己的特点, and answer the question; “Would I Follow Me?”
  • Key Leadership Principles will be described that move us further into our leading roles
  • Explore the tools great leaders use to create success in their teams including navigating the Cycle of Accountability

Learn five key principles to become a more effective leader and create a positive work environment. 挑战自己,回答这个问题,我会跟随我吗? 了解信任在领导中的价值和重要性.


This highly interactive leadership program meets once a week for seven weeks. 它有许多发展活动在一个支助, 有趣和积极的学习环境. It will enhance the skill level of current and prospective supervisors. Outcomes include the increased confidence of employees who will create a positive work environment, 更有效的团队和影响底线的结果.



  • 有效的责任
  • 自信的交流
  • 征服的沟通
  • 发现多样性
  • 电子邮件礼仪
  • 代际差异
  • 保留好的部分
  • 领导与信任
  • 统一的团队
  • 时间管理

探索变化过程, understand how people in organizations respond to change and learn how to lead change. Learn to value resisters and how to positively promote the change process.


真实的颜色© 是一种乐趣, interactive discussion that will provide the skills needed to understand human behavior, uncover what motivates others and improve your communication with different personality types.


客户服务是无形的. We can’t poke, prod, weigh or otherwise physically inspect customer service. 客户服务处理的是组织中人性化的一面. 它是由人类的情感来衡量的, 行为, 理解, 顾客的感受和认知. This session will focus on how to refresh the lens you see customer service through and revive your commitment to excellence.


  • 确定如何展示服务事务的价值
  • 为客户识别关键时刻
  • 通过讨论正确的用词来提高沟通技巧
  • 发现与难缠的客户打交道的技巧
Say It with Backbone, Not Bite: Communicating with Assertiveness and Control

Developing assertiveness is more than just learning to talk differently. Being assertive requires thinking assertively, feeling confident and behaving positively.

During this four-hour workshop, you will learn how to develop each of these aspects of assertiveness. Guidelines for word choices and 行为 and numerous exercises will help you change how you interact with others. You will discover how to use assertive communication in a variety of managerial situations to solve problems, 做决定, 克服冲突, 谈判协议, 建立强大的团队等等.


  • 通过自我简介来评估你是哪种类型的老板
  • 探索四种自信的风格
  • 确定成功对抗的工具
  • Discover strategies to stay in control during emotionally charged situations

在肯·布兰查德的《最热门的网赌网址大全》中© 模型, participants will identify the appropriate leadership style to use for task-specific situations. This in-depth module includes leadership behavior analysis, application and development exercises.


学习如何建立一个高效、积极和团结的团队. 通过团队发展的各个阶段来理解团队的发展. Utilize tools to find consensus, lead effective meetings and build stronger teams.


从同事到老板的转变从来都不容易. 与同事的关系会发生巨大变化, and new supervisors frequently struggle to balance old relationships with new responsibilities. 在这个为期一天的研讨会中,您将学习:

  • 确定并接受你的领导角色以及随之而来的一切
  • 为所有人设定明确的界限
  • 与你领导的每个人进行更有效的沟通
  • Develop an action plan to get the results wanted and needed from your supervisory role

这堂课之后, 你会减少你可能有的任何恐惧或挫折, 提高个人效率, 从你的下属那里获得更多的尊重, improve your professional reputation and enhance your overall career.